
As President Tinubu continues to show strong leadership, its left for Nigerians to make the country work

Prof Femi Oke

This is in the spirit of the coming Ed el-Kabir

(1) A Truism: It is a critical fact; a truism, that no leader can solely make a country great without the resolved commitment of followers. Put differently, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s primary duty is to show strong leadership as he’s currently doing, and has been doing most enviably and laudably. Only Nigerians can make Nigeria work by keying into the ray of lights and exuding sunshine in the direction of good, focused and purposeful leadership being provided by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

(2) Winning the “Trophy”: No matter how strong or determined a leader might appear, like the Head-Coach, his team determines whether or not he will win the “trophy”. In soccer, the formidability of the midfield, defense, striker, keeper and other parameters (with some elements of divine providence), make a winning team. Team P-BAT is evolving and seems (or must be seen to be) ready to display winning skills to ‘deliver the trophy’ to Nigeria and for Nigerians. Their effectiveness is not only for the sake of President Bola Tinubu who is the appointer that entrusted them with such sensitive responsibilities but also for the sake of and/or for the betterment of Nigeria and generality of Nigerians. Offices or appointments can never go round, but the multiplier effects of good works of decent and committed leadership will go round to maximally impact on Nigerians positively.

(3) The Colours of BAT Presidency: The exuding colours of Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s presidency is super bright and overwhelmingly engulfing for all forms of shadows of darkness that had enveloped the greatness of our dear country, Nigeria which include the removal of the inglorious petroleum subsidy, single exchange rate regime. We’ve also just witnessed the sacking and dissolution of some offices and officers, as well as knowledge-based inclusive appointments so far made and sundry policy directions. The “Eagle” has started flying again. The fallen “Giant of Africa” called Nigeria is now about to rise. Our new leader (P-BAT) seems to be aggressively determined to solidify and entrench the “re-rising” of the “African Giant” to ensure human-induced principalities and powers will never make our country fall again. We can only wish Mr. President divine speed, “Solomonic” wisdom and good, sound health to continue to give his very best to the nation.

(4) Riches without Wealth: Being rich is different from being wealthy. The true test of being rich or wealthy is the impact on humanity. Primitive accumulation of wealth or material resources has never and will be counted as an indication of true success. Only God ordains and enthrones unto any elective or appointive offices, including as leaders, chiefs, kings, rulers and others. The essence and true worth of leadership is impactful service to the fatherland and for humanity, to better the lot of Nigerians. This is the philosophy now radiating the Renewed Hope.

(5) Changing the Narratives: We can change the narratives of our dear country by beginning to do the right thing in our various corners and positions. A congregation of lit candles in our respective corners will surely illuminate the dark, sorry paths and past of our country for the better. In recent times, some of the worst critics of Bola Tinubu have written on public forums to acknowledge the fact that, afterall, we were right about our views, support and/or conviction that Nigeria’s hopes will be better renewed under a Bola Tinubu presidency. So far, so good. Welcome to Renewed Hope


It is a long list of expectations of Nigerians on the new administration of His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR. The flip side of leadership is that good followership is also required for leaders to achieve success. Thus, Nigerians also owe it a duty to support and cooperate with their new President to do his utmost best to ensure the country works for all of us. Much more vital is the institutional obligations and responsibilities placed on the shoulders of all public office holders who are (or might subsequently be fortunate to be in the saddle) in the P-BAT regime. We urgent and passionately plead with them to avoid breaching the ancestral or intitutional trust reposed in them by Nigerians. Doing this would not be a favour to the President but as a sacred duty we owe ourselves as Nigerians and our dear country, Nigeria.

The GIANT called NIGERIA must rise, and never made to fall again!

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