
Israeli Security tell visiting Christians best thing to do is “Kill Christians” says followers of Jesus are “Idol worshipers”

By Samuel Ogunsona

Israeli security officials have embarrassed scores of Christians visiting the Holy city of Jerusalem in the Jewish state.

A security official told the Christian missionaries that Christians are idol worshippers adding that the Toray says that Christisns should be killed.

God Himself in several messages to Moses in the Old Testament, complained bitterly about a “stiff necked” people, referring to the Jews who are ever recalcitrant to follow His ways.

Moses in the books of Deuteronomy also expressed his frustration about Jewish idolatry practices and spirit of ungratefulness even with all the great and wonderful things God did for them including saving them from the claws of a demonic King Pharaoh. It is obvious the words of God continue to be fulfilled in today’s Israel, a people chosen by God but who remain adamant in following His footsteps and laid down rules.

In the Holy books, the Jews suffered foretold persecution and hate which God Himself said would be their lot for the disobedience to his law.

The conversation between the Christian Missionaries and the Israeli Security in the video obtained by Irohinoodua went thus:

“Visiting Christians; we didn’t do anything illegal, you can not take us to jail. If you are not involved, please go…. Shalom my friend, we bless you!

Isreal jaw; You are in my country.

Visiting Christians; You come to United state, you can say whatever you want to say…. It is a free world.

Israeli Security: You’re not in the United States.You are in Isreal…. You can’t say whatever you want to say here.

Visiting Christian: It is legal to preach about Yeshua , we preach at Damascus gate and the police said it’s okay…. We preach at Jaffa gate and the police said it’s okay. I respect you…. That’s the Godly thing to do, we respect each other.

Israeli Security: The Godly thing to do is to kill you because that is what the Torah says….. The Torah says that people who worship idols such as yourself when there is a son…. To kill you! Christians are idol worshippers and the Torah says Christianity is Idol worshiping”

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