
Yoruba self-determination groups reject NLC industrial action, support Tinubu’s

By Samuel Ogunsona

Scores of Yoruba self determination groups met in Lagos on Tuesday with a vow to support the government of President Bola Tinubu

The groups also rejected calls by the Nigerian Labour Congress, NLC for industrial dispute over the removal of fuel subsidy

“Since the 1990s,Yoruba self determination groups have always supported the Nigerian Labour Congress, NLC. They are our comrades. But on this issue we disagree. We do not think it is right to begin industrial dispute with a Government that is yet to spend even one week” the group in its address read by Jubril Ogundimu said.

The declaration was made at a press briefing held on Tuesday at the Airport Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos.
The groups said it was the first time a member of the progressive forces in Nigeria had emerged as the President of the country.

“The masses are suffering. Nigeria is bleeding. The strike will add to the suffering of the masses. If the Tinubu-Shettima Government fail to deal with the numerous travails of Nigerians, we shall support the NLC for a nationwide strike. At this time, we think it’s premature to call for a national strike” the groups said.

In attendance were several Pan Yoruba groups including Odua Progressive Congress (OPC), Odua Nationalist Coalition (ONAC), Alliance for Yoruba Democratic Movements, (AYDM), Oodua Liberation Movement, (OLM) among many others.

According to the statement read by the groups and received by Irohinodua correspondent, the groups pledged their full support to the Tinubu-Shettima’s administration.

“For the first time in the history of Nigeria, our democracy has survived seven election cycles back-to-back, with power transiting from one President to another peacefully for 26 years and counting. If we recall, the First Republic and the Second Republic did not live to see a handover from one party or individual to another. The fact that this democracy has stabilised enough to see the jinx broken is no little achievement, for which we must thank the Almighty God and congratulate all Nigerians.

Ogundimu said “This joint gatheing of Oodua Self-Determination Groups takes this opportunity to salute all Nigerians for this new democratic dispensation under the captaincy of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, who took over the mantle of President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on May 29, 2023. We congratulate President Tinubu and Vice President Kashim Shettima for the success of the handover and the inauguration.”

However, it is said that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. At this stage of our democratic longevity, we cannot afford to become careless. It is in the light of this that we must situate and address the current state of our nation.

The group stated “This government, having been in the saddle for just two weeks, will need the support of everybody, to settle down without distractions into the job of building the economy and commonwealth of Nigeria”

It further stated that, “Due to this subsidy, Nigeria’s economy that depends 90 percent on petroleum exports for its revenue, and one-third of its GDP, has been recording zero revenue from the sector. Tinubu has said that he inherited the assets and liabilities of the last regime. Nigeria currently owes massive local and foreign debts to the tune of A71 trillion. That is our reality.
Another reality is that if we don’t kill subsidy, subsidy will kill us. Has anyone wondered why is it that since year 2000, when the Nigerian government gave about 20 refinery licences to private companies, not one refinery has been built, apart from Dangote? Simple, investors and licence-holders found they could not recover their investments due to the artificially low price structure caused by fuel subsidies. Total deregulation of the oil sector is the way to go”

The group advised the leaders of NLC to adopt dialogue as part of their strategy rather than going on strike which might increase the crises and suffering of our people.

“In conclusion, Oodua Self-Determination Groups will continue to maintain that the system of government in operation today under the 1999 Constitution remains unsustainable. President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and APC must make it their priority to commit to the Restructuring Nigeria into a true Federalism”

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