
Attack on NIGER is threat to Algeria, says President of the North African country

By Ahmeed Sule

Any military invasion of Niger is a direct attack on Algeria, President Abdelmadjid Tebboune
has said.

The President of Algeria, the North African country that shares border with Niger said there was no need for military invasion of Niger by the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS.

The Algerian President said “threatening with military intervention in Niger is a direct threat to Algeria and will completely and absolutely reject it.”

He said any problem in the region should be solved through dialogue.

“Problems should be resolved peacefully,” he told Ennahar TV during an interview monitored by Irohinoodua.

Abdelmadjid Tebboune called on African countries to avoid war. He called for a peaceful resolution to the ongoing political crisis in Niger, which sparked by a military coup leading to the removal of the elected president Mohammad Bouzum in July.

The Algerian President also affirms support for “constitutional order” in Niger and expressed the willingness of his country to assist in facilitating a return to such an order.”

Algeria is the second most powerful country in Africa in terms of military might after Egpyt.

Algeria also shares borders with Niger

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