Kperogi’s deliberate lies against Osinbajo

Kperogi’s deliberate lies against VP Osinbajo
Dr Balkisu Saidu
Malam (Kperogi), I urge for caution please. One who spreads lies attracts the same blame from Almighty Allah as the one who concocted the lies. Do not allow yourself to get involved in politicians’ conscienceless smear campaign. As you know, I have worked with Prof. Osinbajo for several years. I can assure you that he scares his opponents because he is a fair, just and upright leader. He is a leader who makes it a standard policy to suspend meetings to enable us, the Muslims, say our prayers. He, from his own pocket, ensures that in every Ramadan, meals are prepared and brought to us in our offices for Iftar. He is a practising Christian who respects practising Muslims. I have never, not once, seen or heard him passed aspersions on anyone based on the religion s/he practices. He is as comfortable with me in my full hijab as he is with my colleagues who dress differently. He is one who, when it comes to appointments, will insist on review of and compliance with enabling laws, especially Federal Character. His position, as he has stated publicly, is that there is no part of this country that does not have qualified people of proven integrity. Please ignore politicians and their paid agents.
By Dr Balkisu Saidu is the Senior Special Assistant on Legal, Research and Compliance, Office of the Vice President