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Newsbreak: India lands in the Moon, becomes first country to reach the South Pole of the Moon

By Omolade Adegbuyi

India, a country that was at the same economic and scientific level with Nigeria in the 1960s up to 1980s, has on Wednesday landed in the Moon in a rare scientific feat.

Cities in India erupted in jubilation as millions of her citizens trooped out in large numbers to celebrate the new height.

Decades ago, India and Nigeria were shoulder-to-shoulder tall in economic development with many Indians coming to Nigeria to work as secondary and primary school teachers or in factories like the Jebba Paper Mill, Bacita Sugar Factory and Textile industries located in Kaduna and Lagos.

Indians fought hard to come to Nigeria at that time, the value of the Nigerian currency being of greater value compared with India.

Though India has her own challenges, but her leadership in the past 30 years has shown how inept, retrogressive and irresponsible most leaders in Nigeria have been.

On Wednesday India staked new pride as a global superpower in space, when she landed her Chandrayaan-3 mission safely on the moon’s unexplored south pole.

The feat is both for science, agriculture and medicine.

The Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft launched touched downed on the lunar surface around 8:34 a.m. ET.

With this, India is the fourth country – after Russia, the U.S. and China – to land on the moon.

Significantly, India is the first country in the world to land on one of the moon’s lunar poles indicating the country’s prowess in science, especially space exploration.

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