World News

Coup: EU suspends military cooperation with Niger Republic

…Says Bazoum only legitimate President

By Samuel Ogunsona

The European Union (EU) has announced the suspension of all cooperation activities in the field of security and finance to Niger, the West African country whose elected President was overthrown in a military coup midweek.

General Abdourahamane Tchiani had announced the change of leadership after soldiers detained the elected President of the West African country of some 25million people.

The new leaders has warned against foreign interference saying the overthrown of the elected President was to fight corruption and reinstal order following decades of French rule that has kept the country in perpetual turmoil and economy stunted.

Niger has seen no fewer than seven coups since independence.

The announcement was made by the EU diplomatic chief, Josep Borrell, on Saturday via his Twitter page.

Niger elected president, Mohammed Bazoum was booted out by his military guard who were expected to protect his office.

Borell who called for the immediate release of president Bozoum also said the EU is ready to support any measures taken by the Africa Union (AU) government including placement of embargo on the country.

According to Borell, “Mohammed Bazoum, was democratically elected and therefore he is and remains the only legitimate president of the country,”

Niger which is the largest country in West Africa, elected Mohammed Bozoum as the first elected leader to succeed another since independence in 1960 while its neighboring countries ( Mali and Burkina Faso) who had succumbed to military coup.

The country is ranked as one of the lowest with standard of living despite it richness in uranium and other important mineral resources.

However, The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) are planning an emergency meeting in Abuja on Sunday to see to the situation.

The Chairman of ECOWAS, President Bola Tinubu, has also expressed deep concern about the increase number of coup that has taken place in the region in recent years.

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