
Fulani-Yoruba violent clashes in Kogi State: Reports on the current situation in July, 2023

By Oba (Dr.) Moses Babatunde Etombi

Today, I feel relieved after about four days of sleepless nights of hard-work to calm situation and restore peace in the Kingdom as your Oba, your leader, and the protector of our beloved kingdom. The recent and unfortunate ethnic clash that has shaken our community has left us grieving for the lives that were lost, and burdened with tension and fear. But I implore you to gather your strength and courage as peace is now restored to the kingdom.

  1. First and foremost, let us remember that Isanlu is a kingdom so loved by God, with a history, culture, and identities of courage and bravism. Regardless of our different opinions at all times we must stand together in times of trial and tribulation. It is during these critical moments that we must draw upon the strength within ourselves and rely on the support of our people.
  2. I want to assure each and every one of you that measures have been taken to restore peace and harmony within our kingdom. The relevant authorities have been alerted, and necessary steps are being taken to bring lasting peace without fear of reprisal. Our Youths have been implored to allow the justice system to carry out its duties without resorting to vigilantism or acts of revenge.
  3. At this point, it is imperative that we come together as a kingdom to ensure the safety and security of our homes, families, and neighbors. Each and every one of us must be part of the security architecture of our kingdom. I urge you to be vigilant, report any suspicious activities promptly, and collaborate with the security agencies to maintain law and order.
  4. It may also be necessary at this stage to implore all sons and daughters of the kingdom at home and in diaspora to be willing to contribute financially to funding security in the kingdom, we may not be able to leave everything in the hands of government. Your phone calls, encouragement and assistances this time is highly appreciated.
  5. Let us not forget that our kingdom is built upon the foundation of unity, love, and respect for one another. We must remain united, regardless of different perception of issues or political leanings, and strive for peaceful coexistence. Engage in constructive dialogues, shun rumor mongering and spear of panic statements, seek clarifications, and foster reconciliation. Together, we can heal the wounds caused by this unfortunate incident and build a more resilient and inclusive Kingdom.
  6. I assure you that my role as the Kabiyesi is not only to lead but also to protect and promote the welfare of every citizen. Your safety and wellbeing are my utmost priority. I encourage you to reach out to the appropriate channels if you have concerns or need information. We will face the challenges ahead as one strong, United Kingdom.
  7. I commiserate the the family and friends of the farmer from Itedo-Ijowa that lost his life, I pray that God grant them the fortitude to bear the loss and bring succor to their grieving hearts.
  8. I sincerely want to appreciate Isanlu Traditional Council, IPU Executives, Isanlu High Chiefs, individuals that has shown commitment and supports at this period financially and in many other ways. May God bless you all and keep you in good health.
  9. May God guide us, protect us, and shower us with blessings as we move forward in healing and rebuilding our Kingdom.
  10. Thank you, and may peace reign in our hearts and our beloved kingdom. Oba (Dr.) Moses Babatunde Etombi is the Agbana of Isanlu,
    Chairman, Isanlu Traditional Council and Yagba East Traditional Council
    25th July, 2023
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