
Newsbreak: 3 killed as Oodua Republic promoters in military uniforms storm Oyo State Secratariat

By Samuel Ogunsona

Some men in military uniform brandishing O’odua Republic sovernirs on Saturday stormed the Oyo State Government Secretariat in Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State.

Reports said at three of the men were killed by security operatives. It was uncertain as at press time the group responsible for the invasion.

Eye witnesses told Irohinoodua that the men were members of a group canvassing for independent Nation for Yoruba people of the South West.

Commuters, drivers and residents ran helter-skelter following the appearance of the men who also held Oodua Republic flags.

The police and Amotekun were later invited which led to a faceoff between the agitators and security operatives.

Some of the agitators manned the main gate while others were stationed at the State House of Assembly.

It was not clear which group was responsible for organising the protest.

It was assumed that the invasion of the State Secretariat was one of the attempts to raise public awareness about Oodua Republic.

One Amatekun Corps member told Irohinoodua that the men came in the morning armed with Yoruba Republic flag.

“There were about 30 of them. They wore military uniforms. They stormed the Secretariat and took positions. Everyone was afraid. The police and Amotekun later mobilised to the scene.”

When asked if the men were armed, he said he was not in a position to know.

Many groups have been canvassing for Yoruba Republic in the South West. The groups seek a sovereign country for the Yoruba people. Others in the South Easr are also canvassing for Biafra in Africa’s most populous country.

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