
Oluwo to marry Emir of Kano’s daughter, seeks N20m

Oluwo to marry Emir of Kano’s daughter, seeks N20m

By Ismail Oluyede

The Oluwo of Iwo, His Imperial Majesty Oba Abdul Rasheed Adewale Akanbi is set to marry a princess from the Bayero ruling house in Kano.

Irohinoodua was informed that the marriage was initiated by the Bayero dynasty in Kano to consolidate blood relationship with the ruling house in Iwo. This may not be the first time, at least one Emir of Kano once married a Yoruba woman, more than four decades ago.

Oba Akanbi, palace sources said is excited about the marriage slated for this year. “The Oluwo of Iwo is happy that he will marry a Princess from Kano. Its expected to be an historic event” a palace source hinted Irohinoodua.

The Oluwo of Iwo has already written a letter to the Governor of Osun State, Mr Gboyega Oyetola requesting for financial assistance.

In the letter submitted to the Governor through the office of the Special Adviser on Local Government, the Oluwo wrote “I have the instruction of His Imperial Majesty Oba (Dr) Abdul Rasheed Adewale Akanbi, the Oluwo of Iwo to notify you of the Oluwo’s decision to marry a Princess from the Kano Emirate to be precise Ado Bayero dynasty.”

He said further “I wish to remind your Excellency that this kind of royal wedding within two notable traditional institutions in Nigeria will require huge expenses which necessitate support of State government even logistically.”

The Oluwo in the past few years has warmed himself to the Emirate through his utterances which range from giving outright support to the Fulani migrants up to the point of his calling on them to settle in his Kingdom when he urged them to see Iwo as their second home. Observers think the Princess offered in marriage is also a cultural, social and political score points.

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